
Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT)

CogAT | Posted On 12 Nov 2022 by Math-Knots LLC
Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT)

The Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) is standardized IQ test for First Grade, Second Grade and Third Grade kids that predicts future scholastic achievement and helps the teachers evaluate the child's further development. These scores help teachers place students in Advanced Academics or Gifted and Talented Programs. CogAT First Grade practice test online, CogAT Second Grade practice test online, and CogAT Third Grade practice test online has the questions that assist in preparing for the official CogAT exam at their grade levels and beyond. Students are tested in three main areas of Verbal, Non-Verbal and Quantitative sections. If you are trying to prepare your child for the CogAT test, use this free CogAT online practice test here, which gives you and your child a sneak peek to the tests on