SOL Testing Grade 7

Virginia state standards are called as Standards of learning in short SOL

Standards of Learning : Grade-7

Type: Group-administered Virginia SOL's

Purpose: To assess student at the end of Year

Number of questions : 50

Time: Typically no time limit

This test is used to determine the mastery of students in the below 5 areas

  • Computation and Estimation
  • Number and Number Sense
  • Measurement and Geometry
  • Probability and Statistics
  • Patterns, Functions, and Algebra

Our practice tests build on mathematical concepts covered over the course of Grade-7 frame work .

These tests are intended to help students for the Virginia Standards of Learning tests in elementary or middle school. 

All mock tests are intended for test practice and learn  SOL end-of-year tests. VDOE doesnt not endorse nor affiliated to these

Test Prep Packages contain:

  • Full length practice tests  with bonus questions
  • Simulating real test practice questions and more
  • Timed drills for speed and accuracy
  • Concepts and strategies for the test
  • Detailed answer explanations
  • Test-taking tips for each question type

A score in the 500 + means your child scored a pass advance. It is important to score a pass advance in SOL for algebra 1 placement for all sixth grade students who will be taking SOL grade 7

We are proud to share that our students have been traditionally scoring pass advance on SOL's

Math-Knots is the registered trademark of Math-Knots LLC. A4Ace is part of math-Knots LLC. All content as part of Math-Knots educational aids as an online plat form or printed books are copyrighted. 

Note: FCPS neither endorses nor affiliated to a4ace or Math-Knots LLC