
NNAT Mock Tests and Practice Seris

NNAT Test Prep Online | Posted On 12 Nov 2022 by Math-Knots LLC
NNAT Mock Tests and Practice Seris

The Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test (NNAT) is a Non verbal ability test.

The NNAT Test Prep Online serve as a measure for identifying and placing students of K-12 for gifted and talented or Advanced Academic programs in many schools across USA and other countries. The NNAT test is based on complex geometric shapes and figures to evaluate problem-solving and reasoning abilities of students.

The test doesn't require mastery of any language, quantitative aptitude and reading skills and uses minimum directions to solve the questions. The test measures the advanced levels of reasoning abilities in children.

The NNAT2 and NNAT3 (editions) test includes 48 questions and is administered over 30 minutes period. It has seven different levels

(Marked from A to G), and each level is varied from the other by difficulty of questions and the kinds of questions on the test.
