
NNAT test prep online

NNAT test prep online | Posted On 12 Nov 2022 by Math-Knots LLC
NNAT test prep online

A4Ace offers the best NNAT test prep online for your child

The NNAT (Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test) is a nonverbal test that helps to enroll K-12 students in talent programs. Moreover, this is a group aptitude test typically administered as an entrance test for gifted students to advanced school programs. NNAT uses shapes and figures to assess a child's problem-solving and reasoning abilities without relying on verbal skills. In other words, NNAT considers how students think, not what they know academically.

Why is NNAT popular? 

NNAT, NNAT-2, and NNAT3 are all use in the United States and other countries for screening to place students gifted or advanced academic programs. These tests assess a child's problem-solving and visuospatial thinking skills with questions about abstract shapes and designs. The NNAT is also the gold standard for an unbiased assessment, regardless of each student's primary language, socioeconomic status, educational background, or race/blindness. The NNAT test uses minimal verbal and written instructions to not rely on the child's reading, writing, or language skills. Also, only two colors (blue and yellow) are put up on display.

Prepare for NNAT with A4Ace 

The NNAT tests your child for the following: 

Pattern Completion - Students must identify a pattern within a larger design with sections removed and then identify the correct missing piece (this type is often similar to a jigsaw puzzle). 

Reason by Analogy - Students use visual-spatial reasoning skills to identify logical relationships between geometric shapes and figures (e.g., large triangles to small triangles, large circles to tiny circles, etc.). Once a student identifies the relationship between two images in the top row, the same rules apply to the pictures in bottom row. 

Serial reasoning:  Students must identify sequences created by shapes and figures that visually change to form logical patterns in the given matrix. Each box has different shape. Students identify the relation across rows and columns. Students identify and select the missing figure that fits the pattern from the choices given.

Spatial Visualization - Students must determine what two or more designs look like when combined (and possibly rotated). Also, how do you want your design to look after it folds, turns, or otherwise changes? 

Let your child shine brightly with the best NNAT test prep online with the help of A4Ace